攜手同行 我司上海岱珂機電(DAYK)——2023年與 LayTec 公司合作共發(fā)展

發(fā)布日期:2023-09-21    瀏覽次數(shù):1031


我們非常自豪地宣布,LayTec公司的大面積沉積過程計量解決方案的新銷售和服務(wù)合作伙伴——上海岱珂機電設(shè)備有限公司( DAYK )




We are very proud to announce our new Sales & Service partner for LayTec's metrologysolutions for large area deposition processes - Shanghai DAYK M&E Equipment Co., Ltd(DAYK)

DAYK will take over the distribution and service activities for LayTec related to non-MOCVD technologies like thin film photovoltaics, OLED, display production and furtherarge area coating industries in China and Taiwan. Given the increasing demand inthese industries, LayTec is glad to provide even faster and local support in the region.

DAYK, founded in 2011, is a technology-driven provider for high precision measurementsolutions in the semiconductor andtrelated industries. Based in Shanghai, furtherbranches are operated in Guangdong, Beijing and Fujian. DAYK's experience andregional presence ideally complements LayTec.

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